My hopes are we have enough interest and adult support to attend both a Fall Break outing and the GSMC Scoutfest.
Thank you for helping our planning by answering this questionairre.
Hello Troop 147,
Indian Lore Merit Badge
Mr. Givens has provided us an excellent experience working on the Indian Lore merit badge.
The final two steps are 1) turn in your completed paperwork to Mr. Givens which he would like this Saturday and 2) visit the McClung Museum which we will do this Saturday, December 1st at 9am.
Please arrive at Circle Park on the UT campus before 9am so that we may begin on time. Our visit will last roughly an hour. Parking in Circle Park is free on Saturday. Please wear your Class A uniform. Remember the Scout Oath, Scout Law, and the Outdoor Code applies here as well.
Rocky Hill Christmas Parade
As part of our community outreach, and Troop 147 tradition, we will march in the 5th Annual Rocky Hill Christmas Parade. Please see Shawn Johnson’s post on the Troop 147 Facebook group for more details.
In short:
- layer up and put your Class A on as your outermost layer.
- Meet at the Rocky Hill ballpark 7633 Alki Road, Knoxville, TN 37919 at 4:30pm.
- Remember the Scout Oath, Scout Law, and Outdoor Code.
- Have fun!
See you Saturday!
Doug McCaughan
Troop 147 Scoutmaster
Hello Troop 147,
Please remember to complete the work on Indian Lore that Mr. Givens assigned to you.
You have a question to answer in the packet and one or two tribes to research and be prepared to present.
Merit badges and ranks are earned not given. If you put forth the effort, you will earn this merit badge.
Doug McCaughan
Troop 147 Scoutmaster
Hello Troop 147,
I am thrilled to announce that Troop 147 has two new Eagle scouts! Last night, Max Britton and William Walker both completed their Eagle Board of Reviews with flying colors. Each of their boards had wonderful remarks about both Max and William. Congratulations!

Last night’s Eagle Board of Review included 7 Eagle candidates, two from Troop 6, two from 15, one from Troop 20, and two from Troop 147. We also had the pleasure of meeting Eagle Scout Bruce Guyton who received his Eagle Rank with Troop 147 in the 1970s under Scoutmaster Charlie Abner. Support for our Troop 147 Eagle candidates was provided by Mike Britton, Alice Britton, Grandfather Britton, Chris Walker, Natalie Walker, Eduardo Padron, Kimberly Turnmire, Jeffery Turnmire, Rachel Witt, and Doug McCaughan with Sonny Schow, Sally Padron, Cathy McCaughan, and Noah Caldwell on standby should we have needed more attendees.
Please join me in congratulating these young men on their completion of their path to Eagle rank and their new beginnings on their journey as Eagle Scouts.
Doug McCaughan
Troop 147 Scoutmaster